The Starvation Sate: What effect does it have on your body?
What is Starvation:
Starvation can be considered as prolonged periods without eating or only consuming very few calories during the day. This can have extreme effects on the body and cause damage to varying body functions.
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Iron Deficiency and What is it?
Dietary iron is a major contributor to our day-to-day bodily functions, it aids in the control and management of our immune system, transports oxygen throughout the body and provides us with energy.
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What’s Vitamin B12, and why is it important?
Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient which helps with multiple processes in the body, including the formation of DNA, red blood cell production, energy regulation and supports overall cognitive brain function. While this vitamin is responsible for various metabolic functions, we cannot produce our own therefore we must get this from another source.
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How can I give my baby the healthiest start?
Maintaining a healthy diet during pregnancy aids in both the health of the mother and infant. Healthy eating can improve the babies brain development, maintain a healthy birth weight, enhance their immune system, gut health, and decrease the overall risk of birth defects.
So what nutrients are most important during pregnancy?
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