
Is it gluten or wheat intolerance?


Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye and barley. Some people may be intolerant to wheat, however this is not the same as coeliac disease. When someone has coeliac disease they have an immune reaction following the ingestion of gluten. Coeliac disease primarily affects the small intestine, and can lead to severe inflammation and malabsorption over time. The symptoms of coeliac disease and wheat allergies/intolerances are quite distinct, so getting an accurate diagnosis is often easier than you think. 

Some of the common symptoms of coeliac disease are diarrhoea, bloating, gas, anaemia and osteoporosis. For wheat allergies, the person may be reacting to some other part of the grain, not necessarily gluten. Symptoms of wheat allergies include; swelling, hives, difficulty breathing and vomiting.

If you find your body regularly reacts when you eat certain foods, specifically grain products, making an appointment to see a dietitian is a great place to start. Our dietitians can help you identify your trigger foods and find a way of eating that fits into your current lifestyle. You can contact us on 9494 3790 or book in online for an appointment We hope to hear from you soon!