Prebiotic vs Probiotics
To maintain a happy and healthy gut our bodies need a daily combination of prebiotics and probiotics. A few months of sustainable dietary changes is required to improve your gut health, hence consistent intake of prebiotics and probiotics is key!
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Calcium is important to build and help maintain strong healthy bones and teeth, and plays a role in muscle and nerve function. Adequate calcium intake can prevent or reduce the risk of osteoporosis (a condition, where calcium is lost from the bones, making the bones weaker, fragile, and more prone to fractures).
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Understanding the effect of carbohydrates on weight.

Did you know carbohydrates aren’t just found in breads, pastas or rice?
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Solutions for Acid Reflux

Heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux can all occur when the acid in your stomach goes back up the esophagus, leading to a painful and burning sensation. This can occur during pregnancy, wearing tight fitted clothing, smoking, alcohol, caffeine, eating large meals in one sitting or medications, due to increased acid secretions or pressures on the stomach.
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